Reply To: Description of Price Action Engulfing Candles Strategy

Forums Strategies and Expert Advisors Price Action Engulfing Candles EA Description of Price Action Engulfing Candles Strategy Reply To: Description of Price Action Engulfing Candles Strategy


    @JT_Mays wrote:

    Hello Dominik.

    I will run this EA on two different brokers. One broker has Winter Offset = GMT+2, and the other broker has Winter Offset = GMT+0.

    Do the Trading Hours in the M5 set files you posted need to be changed for different GMT Offset times?


    All the hours need to be changed only if you make optimizations or backtests, because MT4 unfortunately doesn’t know what is the offset of your ticks. As far as I remember, ticks downloaded from MT4 history have GMT+2, but for MT4 strategy tester it will be seen as GMT. I always recommend to use ticks downloaded from tickstory lite (without offset: GMT+0 or UTC+0 and without DST), it’s the simpliest way to make it 100% safe and what more: you will have higher modelling quality.

    These problems are only with testing and optimizing, if you only trade EA just detects offset (from your broker) and trade in GMT hours.
