Reply To: Description of Midnight EA

Forums Strategies and Expert Advisors Midnight EA Description of Midnight EA Reply To: Description of Midnight EA


    Hi friends!

    Here is newest version of Midnight. Everything is the same as in previous, beside these few changes:

    1) I added little delay between checking news on different pairs, because with many charts loaded at the same time and on slow PC (or VPS) some news could be omitted (when MT4 freezes).
    2) I changed possible to set ranges of RSI values from 1-99 to 0-100. Now you won’t see any alert while setting 0 or 100 (to disable RSI filter).
    3) I added validation of time in your operating system (because MT4 takes GMT (UTC) time from Windows). If your time or timezone is not correct you will see such an alert:

    You can replace new file without loosing your settings. You should turn off MT4, replace file in “Experts” (and change name to the same as previous one) and turn on MT4. That’s all!
